Changing Case


Barry Karas

Re: Microsoft Office Outlook 2003.

How would I change the case of a word from UPPER case to lower case (and
vice versa)?

Thank you,

Barry Karas


in message
Re: Microsoft Office Outlook 2003.

How would I change the case of a word from UPPER case to lower case
(and vice versa)?

You mean other than typing your message using whatever case you
wanted? What is your *goal*? WHY do you need to change case? Why
can't you compose your e-mail in whatever case you wish?

Sounds like an issue with using Word, not Outlook. There are separate
newsgroups for Word.

Barry Karas

I usually underline for emphasis, but some applications do not recognize
underlining. Then I use uppercase for emphasis. But sometimes, I do not
decide upon emphasis until AFTER I wrote the message. That is why I need to
change case after I wrote an e-mail message in Outlook.

Barry Karas

Brian Tillman

Barry Karas said:
I usually underline for emphasis, but some applications do not
recognize underlining. Then I use uppercase for emphasis. But
sometimes, I do not decide upon emphasis until AFTER I wrote the
message. That is why I need to change case after I wrote an e-mail
message in Outlook.

If you use Word as your mail editor, select the text, click Format>Font.
Check "All Caps". If using the Outlook editor, you're out of luck. It
doesn't have the ability. If you've an all caps font installed, you could
change the selection to that font, but that's about it.

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