Changing Cell Link on Spin Button Form Control


Adam Ronalds

I am copying a spin button several times (over 100 spin buttons in this input
spreadsheet) and rather than having to go into the "format control" screen
100+ times, I was hoping that there was a way to quickly and easily change
the cell link for each of the copies spin buttons. I removed the anchors in
the "cell link" filed of the format control however, when I copy and paste
the sin button, this cell link character doesn't change. Is there an quicker
way to change the "cell link" for each copied spin button?

Gord Dibben


With all spinners selected right-click on one of them and change the linked

Will be done to all.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

On Wed, 26 Aug 2009 12:07:02 -0700, Adam Ronalds <Adam

Adam Ronalds

Ok, but I wanted each spinner to have a different cell reference??? In other
words if I have a spinner on each row for 25 rows in Cells B1:B25 and I want
each spinner to reference A1, A2, A3, etc., how do I copy the spinner in cell
B1 into cells B2:B25 and have the cell reference change for the copied
spinners so that I don't have to go into each and change the individual

Gord Dibben

I don't know how to change the linked cell for each spinner currently on a

Here is code to create 25 spinners down column B with incrementing linked
cell reference. Maybe that can help?

Sub add_spinner()
With ActiveSheet
For i = 1 To 25
Set cb = .Shapes.AddFormControl(xlSpinner, 70, i * 20, 15, 15)
cb.ControlFormat.LinkedCell = "A" & i
End With
End Sub


Dave Peterson

Are these spinners from the Forms toolbar?

If yes (and you've located the spinners within the row like you said you did!):

Option Explicit
Sub testme()

Dim mySpinner As Spinner
Dim wks As Worksheet

Set wks = ActiveSheet

For Each mySpinner In wks.Spinners
With mySpinner
.LinkedCell = wks.Cells(.TopLeftCell.Row, "A") _
End With
Next mySpinner

End Sub

If they're spin buttons from the Control toolbox toolbar:

Option Explicit
Sub testme()

Dim OLEObj As OLEObject
Dim wks As Worksheet

Set wks = ActiveSheet

For Each OLEObj In wks.OLEObjects
If TypeOf OLEObj.Object Is MSForms.SpinButton Then
With OLEObj
.LinkedCell = wks.Cells(.TopLeftCell.Row, "A") _
End With
End If
Next OLEObj

End Sub

Dave Peterson

ps. I've found that when I have lots and lots of controls, it's better to use
the vanilla controls from the Forms toolbar.

They seem to have less of an impact on excel--and behave much better than the
controls from the Control toolbox toolbar.

Gord Dibben


I thought of this also but OP has over 100 spinners and just wants to change
25 of them.

Any way to single out those 25 spinners from a group of 100 on the sheet?

Other than by name, that is?

If OP has simply copied them as he states, the names may not be in any
particular sequence.


Dave Peterson

I should have read the thread more closely.

If every spinner that should be modified is in row 1-25 (and all those in rows
1-25 should be touched), then something like:
if .topleftcell.row > 25 then
'do nothing
Same kind of thing if the names were nice--Spinner_### (say).

I think it's time to wait to see if the OP can help define how to classify his
spinners (and which toolbar they came from).


If the position of the spinner is related to its linked cell the
something like this will cater for both types of spinner (from th
-forms toolbar- or the -control toolbox toolbar-)Su
For Each sp In ActiveSheet.Shapes
Select Case sp.Type
Case msoOLEControlObject 'activex
If sp.OLEFormat.progID = "Forms.SpinButton.1" Then
'If Not IsNumeric(sp.TopLeftCell.Offset(, 1).Value) The
sp.TopLeftCell.Offset(, 1) = Empty
sp.OLEFormat.Object.LinkedCell = sp.TopLeftCell.Offset(
End If
Case msoFormControl 'forms
If sp.FormControlType = xlSpinner Then
sp.OLEFormat.Object.LinkedCell = sp.TopLeftCell.Offset(
End If
End Select
Next sp
End Sub
There is a commented-out line starting If Not IsNumeric.
which is just a way of preventing an error as a result of the content o
the linked cell not being numeric. Other checks could include ensurin
that the value of the linked cell isn't outside the range of allowe
values of the Spinner control (max and min). This applies to both type
of spinner, not just the activex version.

As to only assigning new linked cells to -some -of the spinners on th
sheet, again, their -TopLeftCell- or -BottomRightCell -properties coul
be checked before doing anything. Another way is to give the spinner
you want to adjust on a regular basis a name with a common prefix suc
as 'zz' which the code can also check against

Adam Ronalds

Folks: First, thanks for helping me..I haven't used the code yet but am
grateful for your thoughts. Second, a little bit of parameters on what I'm
facing. I have 32 groups of 40 spinners (or 2,560 spinners). I copied the
first set of 40 spinners 32 times. They are in Columns H:K and reference
from cells to the right in columns Q:T. I pulled the spinners from the Forms
toolbox and they are all named in no particular order. I hope this helps,
please let me know if you have a simple string I can write to get all of
these puppies referenced accordingly. Thanks! Adam

Dave Peterson

So you want to touch all of the spinners and make the linked cell 9 cells to the

Option Explicit
Sub testme()

Dim mySpinner As Spinner
Dim wks As Worksheet

Set wks = ActiveSheet

For Each mySpinner In wks.Spinners
With mySpinner
.LinkedCell = .TopLeftCell.offset(0, 9).Address(external:=True)
End With
Next mySpinner

End Sub

Adam Ronalds

BTW, I'm not VBA lingual so, please help explain how I would run the program,

Adam Ronalds


Dave Peterson said:
So you want to touch all of the spinners and make the linked cell 9 cells to the

Option Explicit
Sub testme()

Dim mySpinner As Spinner
Dim wks As Worksheet

Set wks = ActiveSheet

For Each mySpinner In wks.Spinners
With mySpinner
.LinkedCell = .TopLeftCell.offset(0, 9).Address(external:=True)
End With
Next mySpinner

End Sub

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