Changing colors in MSGraph

  • Thread starter Mike Hinchcliffe
  • Start date

Mike Hinchcliffe

Ok, I know I'm not the first to be driven crazy by MSGraph, but wondering if
anyone has come up with a workable solution to this problem.

As part of a presentation toolbox I'm using MSGraph for simple charts. I'd
like the chart colours to change in sync with the changes to the chart color
scheme (which the user selects from a few pre-set color palettes) and
although this works fine for the first 6 fill colors, MSGraph doesn't
inherit the last 2 fill colors nor the line colors from the slide color

Has anyone found a way of changing these last 2 fill colors and the line
colors programatically? Ideally on changing the slides color scheme to
another of the preset color schemes (which I configure in an ini file and
push into the slides using vba) I'd also update the 2 fills/8 lines in sync
with the new color scheme.

Any ideas would be very welcome -this is driving me nuts!


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