Changing colors



I have over 50 trendline charts in excel that came up in the default color
scheme. I am copying and pasting these into a word processing document for a
board report.

I need to send this to the printer, but would like to have it in black and
one other spot color. How do I change these charts to grayscale or spot color?


Jon Peltier

Dave -

You can change the format of a chart element by double clicking on it
and choosing appropriate options from the dialog that appears. If you
change a chart element on one chart, you can select the same element on
the next chart and press F4 to repeat this, conceivably 50 times to
change all 50 plot area fill colors, for example. Then change the next
element in the first chart, and F4 your way through the charts again.

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions

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