Changing Date to CreateDate


Trev Maxwell

Thanks Charles,
I started this question here, but thought I should have been posting it to
the programming group.
Below is the full details of my question/problem : -

My company has mailmerge templates which merge to a new document and then
save to a customer folder/subfolder. They have just realised that some
templates had Date as opposed to CreateDate in a mailmerge field and
thousands of documents, when retrieved, now show todays date as the date of

I am not a programmer but I can create macros. Can anyone help me write a
macro that will open the files in a directory/sub directory, change the
mailmerge field, save and go to next file.
Is it possible?

Many thanks

Charles Kenyon

Sorry, my experience in Word 95 was small and left me long ago.
Charles Kenyon

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from my ignorance and your wisdom.

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