Please provide a way to correct this serious flaw in spell checker
When the spellchecker has marked and displays an error and there is no
useful suggestion in the list of suggestions below, you have to type a
correction in the text window.
When you make a change in this windowyou type a correction into this window
the default button is changed to [Regret correction].
This is completely silly and unlogical. The "natural" key to use after a
correction is the "Enter" key - it has traditionally had a very strong flavor
of being a way to say "OK" to what one has so far done.
In stead you have to yse the extremely awkward key combination ALT+e for
"Erstat" in Danish or ALT+R for "Repelace" in the english version.
It escaoes all sound intelligence why anyone originally would choose thi
illogical choice of defaulting the button to annulling the changes, that you
have just meticulously made in my life with MSOffice this has caused me hours
of wated time.
Please change thi feature in future versions or give the user a chance to
change it.
Thanx a lot
Carl Sukkot
When the spellchecker has marked and displays an error and there is no
useful suggestion in the list of suggestions below, you have to type a
correction in the text window.
When you make a change in this windowyou type a correction into this window
the default button is changed to [Regret correction].
This is completely silly and unlogical. The "natural" key to use after a
correction is the "Enter" key - it has traditionally had a very strong flavor
of being a way to say "OK" to what one has so far done.
In stead you have to yse the extremely awkward key combination ALT+e for
"Erstat" in Danish or ALT+R for "Repelace" in the english version.
It escaoes all sound intelligence why anyone originally would choose thi
illogical choice of defaulting the button to annulling the changes, that you
have just meticulously made in my life with MSOffice this has caused me hours
of wated time.
Please change thi feature in future versions or give the user a chance to
change it.
Thanx a lot
Carl Sukkot