changing default Endnote numbering style


Susan B.

Is there any way to set Endnote numbering so it defaults to arabic rather
than roman numerals?

Dayo Mitchell

Is there any way to set Endnote numbering so it defaults to arabic rather
than roman numerals?

Thank you for encouraging me to check this. You know you can change the
numbers by clicking on Options in the Insert | Footnote dialog, right? And
Close out of the Insert | Footnote dialog instead of clicking OK makes the
change without actually inserting a note.

All new blank documents are based on the Normal template. So if you change
the endnote numbers in the Normal template, then that will be the default in
all new blank documents. So open up Normal and make the change there. Then
close Normal and save it.

Where Normal is depends on your version--always state OS and Office versions
when asking for help!‹but here:

Word 2004:  ~/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Normal 

Word X, Word 2001, Word 98:  /Applications/Microsoft Office
***/Templates/Normal (where *** stands for your version of Office) 

For more info on Normal, see here:
(hit refresh a few times in Safari, or use a different browser)

Why didn't I ever do this before? Oh, right, I never use endnotes. Clearly
neither do the MS developers....

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