Changing default fonts


Greg Smith

I have a Word 2003 user that has made the following request:

"I will be converting my default font in Microsoft Word from Times to Arial.
How do I do this?

I also have to convert all of my AutoText entries to the new font. Can I do
this automatically?"

I don't use Word that much. Are these thing do-able?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Jay Freedman

To change the default font, see

Some AutoText entries (those that don't include a paragraph mark and
are therefore unformatted) will take on the formatting of the current
location of the cursor when they're inserted, so they don't need any
kind of conversion. Other entries include formatting; for those, you
would have to insert the entry into a new document, change the font to
Arial, and then use that text to create a new AutoText entry with the
same name (so it replaces the original entry). You probably won't know
which kind any particular entry is until you try to use it for the
first time.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
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Graham Mayor

However note that Autotexts are style based. Those that have the formatting
associated with a particular style will adapt to the new style changes. Thus
if you have autotexts listed as (say) Body Text and you change the font of
the Body Text style from TNR to Arial, the autotext will change with it, so
you may not have to change any autotexts if styles have been used sensibly.

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

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