Changing default language


Piotr Isajew


I use Word 2004 on Mac with Polish language as system language (selected in
International pane). Now, when is start Word and choose Tools->Language, I
see Czech language as default. So I select Polish from the list, and click
Default button. Then I answer Yes to the question if polish should be
default language, and click OK to close the dialog box. Strange but if I
select Tools->Language once again, the Czecch language appears as default.
Any ideas?


Beth Rosengard

Hi Piotr,

Try this: Open the Normal template (Home/Documents/Microsoft User
Data/Normal). Now make the change to Polish from Czech. Save Normal and
close it. Open a new document and see if the default stuck.

***Please always reply to the newsgroup!***

Beth Rosengard
MacOffice MVP

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Entourage Help Page: <>

Daiya Mitchell

Hi Piotr,
Try this: Open the Normal template (Home/Documents/Microsoft User
Data/Normal). Now make the change to Polish from Czech.

One extra precautionary step: Hit Space then backspace to "dirty" Normal so
that Word knows there is something to save along with a language change.

Klaus Linke

Daiya Mitchell said:
One extra precautionary step: Hit Space then backspace to "dirty" Normal so
that Word knows there is something to save along with a language change.

If your system language is different from the language you want to use in Word, you might even leave the space.
Else Word will take the default language from the system language.
Doesn't seem to apply to you now, but it's sometimes a necessary work-around.

BTW, while you have Normal open, also check in the style definition (Normal?) if it's defined as Czech.



I have the same problem, but the proposed solutions dont work in my cas
- any other ideas ? Thx

Klaus Linke

In what way? New documents based on should start with the
language set to Polish.
If you base your docs on some other templates, edit those.




I did exactely what was suggested - I changed the Normal template'
default language to Polish, but Word still refuses to accept it and al
new documents based on such template result to have Czech lanaguage se
as deault

Daiya Mitchell

See if this helps--it's sorta the reverse of what you want, but might help
you undo something.

PS: wcetnarski, saying you tried the proposed fixes without quoting them
back means nothing to a number of people, depending on their newsreading
settings. So since I haven't a clue what you did or how you did it, see
here. Read most of #1.
The tips there will certainly help you get correct spellchecking, even if
you can't get the default correct.

Klaus Linke

Did you also leave a space in formatted as "Polish" as I

If you don't want to, the only way to fix the problem would be to change the
Windows default keyboard language to "Polish".
But I think that has been suggested already, too.



I did as suggested in the post from Daiya Mitchell. I visited th
indikated links and I applied proposed solution. And it works no

Thanks to all !!

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