Changing field information in template



Using a template for cataloging CD's from Microsoft there is a column for Artist's names. I've listed them like this: Joe Adams, Bob Jones....etc. Now I'd like to change that format to Adams, Joe and Jones, Bob. This is a column that is referenced by a number scheme and won't let me do a find / replace. Is there a way to change all those names easily or do I have to make all new names? Could I edit the names somehow? Thanks in advance.......puppy

Nikos Yannacopoulos

What do you mean "referenced by a number scheme"? Do you mean the actual
names are in another table, and the CDs table is linked to that one on an
artist ID field? Whichever the case, what is to be done must be done on the
table that stores the actual names. Here's what to do:
Make a new query (design view), add that table and get the name field only
in the grid (I'll assume the field is called Name). Change the query type to
Update (menu Query > Update query) and in the Update To line in the grid,
under the field in question, type in the following expression:

Right([Name],Len([Name])-InStr([Name]," ")) & ", " &
Left([Name],InStr([Name]," ")-1)

substituting "Name" with the actual field name. Then select menu Query > Run
and you're done.


puppy said:
Using a template for cataloging CD's from Microsoft there is a column for
Artist's names. I've listed them like this: Joe Adams, Bob Jones....etc. Now
I'd like to change that format to Adams, Joe and Jones, Bob. This is a
column that is referenced by a number scheme and won't let me do a find /
replace. Is there a way to change all those names easily or do I have to
make all new names? Could I edit the names somehow? Thanks in

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