Changing Finish date still results in "Late" in status field



I'm a relative novice to MS Projet. I added a Status field
to the Gantt chart and depending on the %complete, it
either says "Future Task", "Complete" or "late". We moved
our launch date out, so I changed the finish dates for a
bunch of tasks to a future date, but the status field
still says "Late". What am I doing wrong.

Steve House

You didn't say how you had created the status field so it's hard to say
exactly what's going on. But an alarm bell went off when you said " I
changed the finish dates ..." Just exactly what dates did you change? If
it was the date in the Finish column in the Gantt chart task entry table you
have a much more serious problem than just the status field displaying the
wrong thing - those dates are supposed to be *calculated* by Project and,
while they can be edited for special purposes, under normal circumstances
they should never be changed or input by the user. If you want to start or
end the project later because your launch date has changed, you do so by
editing the Project Start Date in the Project Information menu screen.

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