Changing font and hyperlink color


The Kat

I would like for text that is hyperlinked to an internal page anchor to look
like the text in the rest of that document. It's for a long FAQ page. I want
to allow people to click on the question and have the page move to the
answer. Is this possible - or would I be better of using buttons by the
questions instead? And if I use buttons, will I need a different button color
for each question or can I create a hot spot on each button in a column of
the same buttons?



You can set the font and size fairly easily. Here is a sample:

<p><font face="Arial" size="2">
<LI><A HREF="#READHERE1">How do you create a FAQ sentence that when clicked
will take you to the answer down the page?</A><br>

Change the font face to the font that you want to use, and remember to use
one of the web friendly fonts. Size of 2 is roughly equivalent to a font
size of 10, 3 is about 12. The <LI> is optional, but I included it to show
you an places a bullet in front to the text.

The anchor text of "back to the top" can be formatted the same way. Just add
the first line of the code snippet above. As there will be a lot of these,
you might experiment a bit. Try inserting this code snippet for an anchor:

<p><font face="Arial" size="2">
</font><font face="Wingdings" color=#a50021 size=3>ñ</font><font
face="Arial" color=#a50021 size=2>
<A HREF="#TOP">Top</A>


The Kat

And here I was thinking I'd have to use the bullet at the link! You formatted
both! I recognized the <L1> from my HTML work. Think you fix will be much
tidier than my kluge.

I'll give them a try.



I think, and I repeat, I think that I have found another way to link to an
anchor. Go ahead and insert your anchor in the normal way using the insert
html code fragment tool and placing it on your page where you want it. But
here is the difference. Instead of inserting the code snippet in a code
fragment box as in the "normal" way, just select a word or some text in a
normal text box that you want to link to that anchor. Then insert a absolute
hyperlink to the anchor as such:

Or if you are using the subfolder option and you are on one of the pages
that will be contained in the index_files folder, then remember to include
that in the path:

If you want to test this, then remember to not use any spaces in the link.
In the above example, there is an underscore between index and files. Also,
you won't be able to test this in Web Page preview, as the link is an
absolute will have to upload the page to your host. The link will
take on the font format that is used in the text box. It will be a bit of a
hassle if you haven't given a custom name to your pages, but if you do a Web
Page preview, you will be able to see what the name of the page will be in
the Address Bar of your browser, when you do Publish to the Web. Also, when
you are inserting the hyperlink, you can't right click and paste in the
address field of the hyperlink dialog...use Ctrl + V instead.

If you do test this, please post back some feedback. I just thought it might
be a better approach to building your FAQ page. I have tried this in both
Pub 2003 and 2000, and loaded the page in both IE and FireFox and so far it
seems to work. But it would be great if I could get someone else to test it,
so I could have some confidence in the approach. I tried this several years
ago but couldn't get it to work. I think the reason why was that I was using
a space between READ and HERE, and that broke the link. Thanks.


The Kat

I'll be happy to test it for you. I really need to get the site up so I can
see where the problems are hiding! I'll post a response assuming I survive
the upload.

The good news is that each page has a unique name. Keep an eye on this
thread, though. I may have questions for you after the site it loaded. I see
where you are going with it, though, and can see no reason why it wouldn't

Is there any way to use a link to header text like you do when you create an
document on line and link to that section using the header as the anchor? It
seems like that header has to have more use than just the text format if it
acts as an anchor for documents on line. Any thoughts?

The Kat

The Kat

I tried the snippet

<p><font face="Arial" size="2">
</font><font face="Wingdings" color=#a50021 size=3>ñ</font><font
face="Arial" color=#a50021 size=2>
<A HREF="#TOP">Top</A>

It still leaves the text blue and refuese to change the font to Trebuchet -
it displays as Times NR! The arrow works, though, and I'm going to use it.
Just hpe you can help me with the font style. Why is it doing that?!

The Kat

Mike Koewler


I use font-family:"Trebuchet"

Not sure if that will make a difference or not.




Hey...that was given as a starting place for you ;-). This gets down to
writing code, and I suck. I just copy and paste and try different things
until I get it to work. I don't even pretend that the snippet I gave you is
the "right" way to write the code. I am sure that someone that actually
knows how to write html code would cringe at what I cobble together.
Hey...that's part of the reason I use Publisher...I don't want to write

In general, I would suggest spending some time at and for some good
information about writing html code. However, I was able to at least get
your font to change by changing the snippet around to:

</font><font face="Wingdings" color=#a50021 size=3>ñ</font><font
face="Arial" color=#a50021 size=2>
<font face="Trebuchet" size="2">
<A HREF="#TOP">Top</A>

As far as the blue color of the link, that is set by Publisher, and if you
make a change it will affect all links. It can be done, but I think that you
need to be careful, as most people have trained their eye to look for the
blue link color. Mess with that, and they might not know it is a hyperlink.

I am guessing that there is code that you could include that would override
the default, but I don't know what it is. Perhaps you could find an answer
in one of the references I gave above. If you figure it out, let us know. I
may experiment with it over the weekend.




I am not sure what you are asking:

Is there any way to use a link to header text like you do when you create
document on line and link to that section using the header as the anchor?
seems like that header has to have more use than just the text format if
acts as an anchor for documents on line. Any thoughts?

Probably me just being dense, but try a different set of words.


The Kat

"I don't want to write code" - me neither. Been there, done that (and if you
dropped the cards, you were toast). As much as everyone from home users to
the EU grouse about MS having a monoopoly, everyone buys it because it
produces (eventually). <G>

I did play with the snippet, including arrow and color. That's how I knew
Trebuchet didn't work. I'll keep cogitating on this and see what I come up
with. I know there is a way to change the STYLE of hyperlinks, so I'll start
there...after the site is up! How can I keep you posted on what I discover?

The Kat

Addendum: I was going to leave the text blue, but MY blue and the linked text
to match the web site colors. I'll try to find you at some message and let
you know when the site is up.

The Kat



To change the colors of the links in Publisher: Format > Color Schemes >
Custom color scheme > Custom tab > Hyperlink and click the chevron > More
colors > Custom and type in the RBG for you preferred shade of blue. Repeat
for the followed hyperlink. This will now be your default colors for all
your hyperlinks in a particular publication.




Sounds like you sat a key punch machine too, in your past. Was it fourtran
or something like that?

The revised code I posted did switch the font...

Just post it here and we will see it. Good luck.


The Kat

Pascal and Fortran. "sat a key punch machine ..." in a previous life form.
Used to work on a DEC 10 and could field dress a PDP 11-03 in about 15
minutes and reassemble it in 20 if I didn't tighten the screws - there
weren't any battery screwdrivers in the dark ages.

The Kat

Think I'm missing the forest for the trees - I knew that!
Long day... I've got to finish this site so I can get a life (or at least
make fiill jewelry orders).

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