Cathy McQuillan
MY OBJECITIVE is to take a document and reformat it so
that the font size is larger and the margins are
narrower. THE PROBLEM is that after the text is selected
and I perform the above functions, the new document's
lines are spaced weirdld; that is, some lines will only
contain one or two words while others are
appropriately "filled up". Is there some hidden
formatting code that I am overlooking or some other
formatting directions that I need to check when enlarging
the text and changing the margins?
that the font size is larger and the margins are
narrower. THE PROBLEM is that after the text is selected
and I perform the above functions, the new document's
lines are spaced weirdld; that is, some lines will only
contain one or two words while others are
appropriately "filled up". Is there some hidden
formatting code that I am overlooking or some other
formatting directions that I need to check when enlarging
the text and changing the margins?