Changing Font Type and Size of an entire section via Document Map



Crurrently , to change the Font type and
the Font Size of the contents of a
particular section of Windows 2007
document , we need to go to that
particular section and do the font type / font size
change by selection of the particular complete section.

So, i suggest a feature of
clicking over that particular section name
in the document map & changing the font type
/ size , instead of performing a manual
selection of the complete particular section.

The addition of this feature will be
very helpful for changing the font type/size
of very large sections that would
require careful scrolling & selection.
The addition of this feature to
Windows Word will bring in more user
friendliness & automation.

Karthik Balaguru


No Offense, but I fully agree with Terry...

One thing Word does *not* need is more expeditious means of circumventing
the proper use of the features that already work :)

I'd also respectfully suggest that you study up on the numerous navigation &
selection techniques offered within the software. It sounds like you may be
working much harder than should be necessary.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

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