I will second MattMan's (and many other correspondents) query below and add
the following.
To articulate what has been annoying me for a period:
I have sent an e-mail from Outlook Express (html) via hotmail account and
copied to an account received in Outlook (Outlook 2002 (10.6515.6735)SP3).
The e-mail template was created with Microsoft FrontPage 2003.
On receiving the e-mail in Outlook, the inserted text appeared as Times
Roman instead of Courier New. It appeared okay (Courier New) in the Outlook
Express "sent" folder. I selected all and copied the Outlook html message
and pasted it into Microsoft FrontPage it appears as all Courier New font
there (Design view & Preview view).
A code segment appears:
============== START =============
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<title>New Page 1</title>
<font face="Courier New" size="2">Dear St...</font></div>
<font size="2">It was a pleasure to meet with you this mor...
============== END =============
I replied from Outlook back to Outlook Express account and received with the
entire message appearing as Courier New - as I had intended.
All Outlook default font settings (e.g. "when composing", "when
replying...", "when composing and reading plain...", "international fonts
proportional", "international fonts fixed width") are set to Courier New. I
have tried all three ("use the font specified in stationary", "use my
font...", and "always use my font") font options for html e-mail responses.
Internet Explorer default font settings ("Internet options, fonts") for both
"web page font" and "plain text font" are Courier New.
If a MVP could simply acknowledge that Microsoft Outlook is buggy then we
might all stop posting similar messages, and save ourselves a lot of
heartache. I am sure that will be very much appreciated by we less
knowledgeable users.
Thanks in wild anticipation...