Changing Fonts



I've seen a number of other posts about fonts changing with minimal response,
but I'll add my question to the list.

I create all my messages in Arial font in Outlook. I do not use Word to
edit my messages. I've noticed that for many of my recipients, the message
appears in Times New Roman. In addition, the messages appear in Times New
Roman in my Sent Items folder.

Please let me know how I can correct this problem.



I will second MattMan's (and many other correspondents) query below and add
the following.

To articulate what has been annoying me for a period:

I have sent an e-mail from Outlook Express (html) via hotmail account and
copied to an account received in Outlook (Outlook 2002 (10.6515.6735)SP3).
The e-mail template was created with Microsoft FrontPage 2003.

On receiving the e-mail in Outlook, the inserted text appeared as Times
Roman instead of Courier New. It appeared okay (Courier New) in the Outlook
Express "sent" folder. I selected all and copied the Outlook html message
and pasted it into Microsoft FrontPage it appears as all Courier New font
there (Design view & Preview view).

A code segment appears:
============== START =============

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<title>New Page 1</title>


<font face="Courier New" size="2">Dear St...</font></div>
<font size="2">It was a pleasure to meet with you this mor...
============== END =============

I replied from Outlook back to Outlook Express account and received with the
entire message appearing as Courier New - as I had intended.

All Outlook default font settings (e.g. "when composing", "when
replying...", "when composing and reading plain...", "international fonts
proportional", "international fonts fixed width") are set to Courier New. I
have tried all three ("use the font specified in stationary", "use my
font...", and "always use my font") font options for html e-mail responses.

Internet Explorer default font settings ("Internet options, fonts") for both
"web page font" and "plain text font" are Courier New.

If a MVP could simply acknowledge that Microsoft Outlook is buggy then we
might all stop posting similar messages, and save ourselves a lot of
heartache. I am sure that will be very much appreciated by we less
knowledgeable users.

Thanks in wild anticipation...


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