Karthik Palaniappan
Hello Everyone
We want to change the footer when the save event occurs. To do so, we wrote our code in subroutine objApp_WorkbookBeforeSave . We have confirmed that the subroutine objApp_WorkbookBeforeSave gets executed when a workbook is saved by tracing the execution. Although, every statement in the subroutine gets executed, the footer does not change. Can someone please help
Following is our code in Subroutine WorkbookBeforeSave
Private Sub objXLApp_WorkbookBeforeSave(ByVal wbkSaveBook
As Excel.Workbook, ByVal blnSaveAsUI As Boolean,
Cancel As Boolean
Dim shtSheet As Objec
Dim strHeaderFooter As Strin
wbkSaveBook.ActiveSheet.Range("a1").Value = "india
' Put the footer into all sheet
For Each shtSheet In wbkSaveBook.Sheet
With shtSheet.PageSetu
.LeftHeader = "LH
.CenterHeader = "CH
.RightHeader = "RH
.LeftFooter = "LF
.CenterFooter = "CF
.RightFooter = "RF
End Wit
Next shtShee
End Su
We are using excel 2000
We want to change the footer when the save event occurs. To do so, we wrote our code in subroutine objApp_WorkbookBeforeSave . We have confirmed that the subroutine objApp_WorkbookBeforeSave gets executed when a workbook is saved by tracing the execution. Although, every statement in the subroutine gets executed, the footer does not change. Can someone please help
Following is our code in Subroutine WorkbookBeforeSave
Private Sub objXLApp_WorkbookBeforeSave(ByVal wbkSaveBook
As Excel.Workbook, ByVal blnSaveAsUI As Boolean,
Cancel As Boolean
Dim shtSheet As Objec
Dim strHeaderFooter As Strin
wbkSaveBook.ActiveSheet.Range("a1").Value = "india
' Put the footer into all sheet
For Each shtSheet In wbkSaveBook.Sheet
With shtSheet.PageSetu
.LeftHeader = "LH
.CenterHeader = "CH
.RightHeader = "RH
.LeftFooter = "LF
.CenterFooter = "CF
.RightFooter = "RF
End Wit
Next shtShee
End Su
We are using excel 2000