Changing footnotes to endnotes



Not sure about Word 97, but in 2000 and 2003 go to the Footnote reference
create dialog, in 2003 this is under Insert, Reference, Footnote, on this
dialog there is a Convert button, clcik this and you have choice of
Converting All Footnotes to Endnotes, Converting All Endnotes to Footnotes,
and Swap Footnotes and Endnotes.
For 2007, just in case you wrote 97 by mistake, look under the References
tab, Footnotes group and click the little arrow on the bottom right for
further options.

Hope this helps

Steve Hayes

Not sure about Word 97, but in 2000 and 2003 go to the Footnote reference
create dialog, in 2003 this is under Insert, Reference, Footnote, on this
dialog there is a Convert button, clcik this and you have choice of
Converting All Footnotes to Endnotes, Converting All Endnotes to Footnotes,
and Swap Footnotes and Endnotes.
For 2007, just in case you wrote 97 by mistake, look under the References
tab, Footnotes group and click the little arrow on the bottom right for
further options.

It doesn't seem to work in 97.

There it is Insert->Footnotes (with endnotes as an option).

And if I try to convert them one by one the endnotes have Roman numberals.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

If you run a macro containing the following code, it will replace the
footnotes with endnotes:

Dim i As Long
With ActiveDocument
For i = .Footnotes.Count To 1 Step -1
.Endnotes.Add .Footnotes(i).Reference, ,
Next i
End With

To see how to use the above code, see the article "What do I do with macros
sent to me by other newsgroup readers to help me out?" at:

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP, originally posted via

Steve Hayes

If you run a macro containing the following code, it will replace the
footnotes with endnotes:

Dim i As Long
With ActiveDocument
For i = .Footnotes.Count To 1 Step -1
.Endnotes.Add .Footnotes(i).Reference, ,
Next i
End With

Thanks, i tried it, but it reported a syntax error in this line:

.Endnotes.Add .Footnotes(i).Reference, ,


It would seem that Roman numerals is the default for Endnotes. After
converting to Endnotes, change the number format via the Number Format
options in the Footnore and Endnote dialog to whichever format you wish, if
you change one they should all change to match.
Hope this helps

Stefan Blom

The issue is caused by a line break. You can add an underscore as shown below:

.Endnotes.Add .Footnotes(i).Reference, , _ '<--- Here!

That should fix things.

Steve Hayes

The issue is caused by a line break. You can add an underscore as shown below:

.Endnotes.Add .Footnotes(i).Reference, , _ '<--- Here!

That should fix things.

Thanks, that worked fine.

Steve Hayes

It would seem that Roman numerals is the default for Endnotes. After
converting to Endnotes, change the number format via the Number Format
options in the Footnore and Endnote dialog to whichever format you wish, if
you change one they should all change to match.
Hope this helps

Yes it did -- thanks a lot.

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