Changing format of memo field to text



I have a memo field that I am trying to create a sql
string on and insert a new record into the same table I am
querying on. The field is set to a MEMO field of 1000.
It allowed me to enter the data in to the field directly,
but when trying to duplicate the record, the MEMO field
freaks when it hits 255 characters.

"This is for testing only. All spaces should be filled in
including 2 primary and 3 secondary diagnoses, 1 primary
and 1 secondary physician, cognitive status with all boxes
filled in and Yes in every spelled out area, all ADLs
should have a dependency, 2 §hY áè Ðí Ìí ,ï $ 2V
 áè Ñ V ¹He ;ÛW  Z ° 

Here is part of the code that I have:

sSQL = "INSERT INTO dbo_tblComprehensiveStatusUpdate
(NCLFileNo, Type "
sSQL3 = " SELECT First(""" & rs2!NCLFileNo & """), "
If Me.cmbStatusType = 3 Then
sSQL3 = sSQL3 & "first(""CA"")"
End If
If Not IsNull(rs2!OverallNarrative) Then
sSQL = sSQL & ", OverallNarrative"
sSQL3 = sSQL3 & ", first(""" & rs2!
OverallNarrative & """)"
End If

When I debug on the sSQL that the rs2 is created from, the
overall narrative is 977 characters. When I debug on the
rs2!overallnarrative I get the above crap.

How do I get around this?
Any suggestions will greatly be appreciated.


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