Changing from AutoInc (Long) to GUID


Ed Warren

For reasons beyond discussion.

I need to be able to change a table from using an [TablePrimaryKeyID]
AutoInc(long) primary key, to using a new field[NewTablePrimaryKeyID] type
GUID as the primary key, while at the same time maintaining the field
[TablePrimaryKeyID] as a uniquekey.

I can know how to do this through the data entry form, using
dmax[TablePrimaryKeyID]+1 in VBA code.

Is there a way to utilize the default property of the [TablePrimaryKeyID]
field to generate a autoinc value at the table level. Allowing batch
updates to fill the field.

Already been around the post with "only one autoinc field per table". And
the fact that the table does not recognize user defined functions for use in
the default property.


Ed Warren

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