Changing Header


Tom Toews


Is it possible to do a dictionary type header using the {StyleRef} field
with two different style types applied. I need some entries to be italicized
and others not.


Robert M. Franz

Hi Tom

Tom said:
Is it possible to do a dictionary type header using the {StyleRef} field
with two different style types applied. I need some entries to be italicized
and others not.

Could you elaborate which entries you want in italics and which not? We
ought to know how *you* determin this before being able to come up with
an "algorithm" for Word.


Tom Toews

Journal names etc. need to be italicized while most all others do not.


Robert M. Franz

Hi Tom

Tom said:
Journal names etc. need to be italicized while most all others do not.

I had a vague idea about formatting that carries over through the
STYLEREF field, but some tests showed that the only thing that does get
transported is -- hidden (which is of no use in this case).

Sorry, I don't see a good way.


Tom Toews

That's what I was afraid of. I guess I'll either have to do a section break
between every page or else manually create headers on every page. What a
bore. I know it in some ways defeats the idea of a header but I would be
nice to be able to tweak a header from those around it without so much


Suzanne S. Barnhill

This really is a weakness. I think I'll escalate this onto the wish list for
a future version of Word. You wouldn't want to pick up style formatting, but
I would think you would always want to pick up direct formatting.

Tom Toews

Sounds good.

Suzanne S. Barnhill said:
This really is a weakness. I think I'll escalate this onto the wish list for
a future version of Word. You wouldn't want to pick up style formatting, but
I would think you would always want to pick up direct formatting.

Charles Kenyon

I would want to be able to pick up character styles or direct formatting (or
not). I would want to be able to choose, though.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Agreed. What I suggested was a field-specific switch. The infuriating thing
is that the one type of direct formatting that you *don't* want to pick up
(Hidden) is the only one it does pick up.

Bob S


Is it possible to do a dictionary type header using the {StyleRef} field
with two different style types applied. I need some entries to be italicized
and others not.


As an exercise, I can think of a couple ways that might do this, but
they are probably a lot more trouble than you want.

Scheme 1:

Tag each entry. Put a single letter in another style (call it JTAG for
example) formatted as 1 point white text next to every occurrence of
your real style (call that Entry for example). The tags next to the
journals should be "J"; the tags next to the other entries should be
something else. In the header put something like this pseudocode:

{IF {styleref JTAG} = "J" "{Styleref "Entry" /*Italic}" "{Styleref
"Entry" }"}

Maintaining the tags would be a nightmare.

Scheme 2:

Get a friend (or pay someone e.g. Dieter Steffmann of Typographer
Mediengestaltung does good stuff) to make a special font that has
italic letters in some of the upper character positions. Use this font
for your Entries and for the STYLEREF fields in the headers. Job done.

You could convert your current text by using a find-and-replace macro
to change normal-Entry to the special font and italic-Entry to the odd
character positions.

The real problem is getting the special font.

There are probably other ways, probably equally unpalatable.

Bob S

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