changing html in shared borders: moving left border lower on page



Using frontpage 2002. Want to change html code in shared border, want to add
<alt> tags etc. I can not find anywhere to get into the html code of the
border, am totally frustrated. Also, want to move left shared border down on
page so I can add a table with text above it, can not do it to save my soul.
Hours searching for help. Please help.


The shared border files are named top.htm, left.htm, right.htm and
bottom.htm. They reside in the _borders folder. To see the _borders
folder, open the web in FrontPage, then Tools->Site Settings Advanced
and tick the box labelled "Show hidden files and folders". Allow the
web to be refreshed and the folder will appear in the folder list.
{Note FP2002 and earlier use Tools->Web Settings instead of Site

You cannot move the left shared border away from the top shared
border, or the top of the page if not using a top shared border.
Consider using include pages instead of shared borders, which will
give you this flexibility.


Thank-you, thank-you! I did what you said and there it was. After so many
hours of searching, the html was finally there. I am very interested in
using 'include pages', but I really don't know how to do this. I am sure
that if given a little guidance I can figure it out. Would you be so kind as
to elaborate a little more on this subject. I am so thankful that there are
people out there like you, willing to take the time to help. I just can't
tell you how grateful I am. Thanks so much!

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