Changing language in reference tool




I am using Norwegian Word 2008 for Mac (12.1.2) with Leopard 10.5.5.

I am writing an assay in English where I use an extent amount of references.
The Reference Tool is working ok accept for one thing.
I am using Norwegian Word and writing in English. I am using English spell
checker but the Bibliography and references is written in Norwegian. Please
look at this example:

“This is a test†(Wellington, 2007, s. 2)
In this quotation the page number is written with “s.†(in Norwegian Page is
spelled "Side") and not “p.â€.

Wellington, R. (2007, December 12). Customer Service. (F. Johnsen, Redaktør,
& Microsoft, Produsent) Hentet September 30, 2008 fra Microsoft:

In this Bibliography the heading is spelled in Norwegian “Bibliografiâ€
instead of “Bibliographyâ€.
The words “Hentetâ€, "Redaktør", "Produsent" and “fra†is also Norwegian

In the Word 2007 for PC there is a setting of language when entering
references in the Reference Tool but this setting is not available in the Mac

So, my question is how to I get this in English?

Thanks in advance.

Oslo, Norway

Daiya Mitchell

I believe this is a bug in the Citation Manager and yet another bug with
using Word in a multilingual setup. Please copy your post into Feedback
to MS (use Help | Send Feedback to reach them) so that they can count
how many people are running into this problem and increase the priority
on fixing it.

I haven't been keeping up, but I don't recall a solution for this, I'm
afraid. Previous discussion:

If it really is based on using a Norwegian keyboard layout, I wonder
whether temporarily switching the keyboard layout and then generating
the bibliography while an English layout is active would help. Might
require quitting Word and restarting it, in case it loads keyboard
layout info at startup. Worth the experiment.

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