any chance there's a way to get groove to house this directory in a place
other than the path Documents and Settings\Boris\Local Settings\Application
I have a 20GB partition for my program files, and I hadn't considered that
I'd have a program like Groove, let alone one that would basically duplicate
my shared folders. I am using '07 to groove synch folders that I have in my
data directory (which IS set up for the size data files I have), and the
7.5Gb that this folder is occupying is really taxing my system, to the point
that it's getting low on space in the root directory, and therefore cannot
perform the synchronization of Groove (which, ironically, if it could, it
would be able to reduce its temp storage needs, because I deleted several of
the larger items that are getting synched to other computers).
Any chance someone knows how to change this?
other than the path Documents and Settings\Boris\Local Settings\Application
I have a 20GB partition for my program files, and I hadn't considered that
I'd have a program like Groove, let alone one that would basically duplicate
my shared folders. I am using '07 to groove synch folders that I have in my
data directory (which IS set up for the size data files I have), and the
7.5Gb that this folder is occupying is really taxing my system, to the point
that it's getting low on space in the root directory, and therefore cannot
perform the synchronization of Groove (which, ironically, if it could, it
would be able to reduce its temp storage needs, because I deleted several of
the larger items that are getting synched to other computers).
Any chance someone knows how to change this?