changing minumumScale and maximumScale of an axis



hi everyone,

i have a problem about setting the minumumScale of an axis when axis'
source data has a date format . When source data is number formatted ,
there is no problem , but with date format there is a big problem . Any
idea ?

the row beginning with eksen.MinumumScale gives an error

here is my javascript code :

eksen = chart.Axes.Item(1)
eksen.HasTitle = 1
eksen.AxisTitle.Text = axis1;
eksen.TickLabels.Orientation = 90;

eksen.MinumumScale =
//xmlDoc.selectSingleNode("//EXCEL_START_VALUE").text : (startdate -
eksen.MajorUnit = 1;
eksen.MinorUnit = 1;

eksen = chart.Axes.Item(2)
eksen.HasTitle = 1
eksen.AxisTitle.Text = axis2;

Tushar Mehta

I don't know the format of the xmldoc...().text property. I assume it
is text in some format. Have you tried converting that into a date
that XL would understand with the javascript equivalent of VBScript's
DateSerial() or DateValue() function?


Tushar Mehta
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
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