changing name on registration



apparently when i registered initially, i wrote lisa
allen instead of Lisa Allen. now everytime the computer
wants to put my name on anything (in word, publisher,
etc.) it uses the lower case and i need to correct it. i
tried to change the folder name but it won't let me. how
do i change the registration name?

John Ski

From: "lisa" (e-mail address removed)
Date: 9/26/2003 1:01 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Message-id: <[email protected]>

apparently when i registered initially, i wrote lisa
allen instead of Lisa Allen. now everytime the computer
wants to put my name on anything (in word, publisher,
etc.) it uses the lower case and i need to correct it. i
tried to change the folder name but it won't let me. how
do i change the registration name?

In Word go to Tools>Options>User Information tab. Changing name there will
change it for all installed Office Apps.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"
***Arthur C. Clarke***


Thanks to John for the tools/options/user info but it
does not work. I've tried it and when I start to put
name it still comes up automatically in lower case i.e.
lisa allen instead of Lisa Allen. i did change it in
user info but it it does not give me the result i'm
seeking. please help. thanks.

Mike Williams

Try changing it to something completely different e.g. "Test". Close the
dialog, reopen it and then change it to "Lisa Allen".

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