Changing names of Hyperlinks



I am trying to create a document in which has multiples hyperlinks in it.
The links will not be within the same document but within multiple word
documents. When the hyperlink is inseted into the main file, it brings with
it the path in which is was originated/saved in. Can you keep the same path,
but change the name of the link. For example, hyperlink could be called
build house, and still map to the c:\documents & settings\build house.
Could a list be built to map the two together? I need this for two reasons,
one because it is cleaner than having the whole path, and two it will allow
me more freedom in calling out the hyperlink.

Shauna Kelly


Right-click a hyperlink and choose Edit Hyperlink.

You can now set three things:

1. In the "Text to display" box type the words you want to appear as the
link (eg "Click here to read about chocolate").

2. Click the Screen Tip button and in the screen tip box, type the words
that you want to show when the user hovers their mouse over the hyperlink
(eg "This link takes you to a website about chocolate").

3. In the Address box, type the address of the web page or document that you
want the user to visit when they click the link.

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.

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