Alexandra MJ
I don't know why institutions have to make our lives so difficult in writing
these theses...
I need to place captions opposite figures such that the caption faces the
Therefore "the captions must appear on a separate page facing the figures to
which they refer, and the front of this page is left blank, except for the
page number in the upper right-hand corner." (oh and of course then I have
to reverse the margins for the caption pages too but that's another story
which I have to do by selecting the text on the page and changing the margins
for that particular page.)
I think I've figured out how to do it, I'm just hoping there's an easier way
that wouldn't allow me to make a stupid numbering mistake which of course
I'll miss until *after* I've submitted the thing to my examination
I have been adding a blank "normal" page before the caption, then added
section breaks before and after the caption followed by the figure on a
separate page. (so that's 3 document pages with a blank but numbered page,
followed by the caption on an unnumbered page, and the figure on a numbered
page). Then I'm unlink the headers using "unlink from previous" and remove
the numbering on the caption page. Then the following page where the figure
is, I put in a page number which I format to start at the page number
*before* the caption. My concern is that in a 200-some document, I might
start to miss counting...
So my question- is there a way to format the page numbers to ignore a page?
I was hoping there'd be a way to do it like "link with previous" but instead
of previous it'd be link to section # or something so you could just link for
example section 3 with section 1.
I'm not very familiar with macros but would there be a way to get one to do
I'm using Word 2007 by the way...
I realize there might not be a simple answer and perhaps I will just have to
create another file with just the captions because either way I'm going to
have to print on the back of the blank numbered page but this way everything
is in one place.. and I don't have to wonder which caption goes with figure
10 or 43...
Sorry for the long question...
P.S. if you have any feeling that the way I'm doing it already will mess up
my table for figures (based on the captions), please let me know.. I'm going
to be checking it soon but this way you can tell me that you told me so..
these theses...
I need to place captions opposite figures such that the caption faces the
Therefore "the captions must appear on a separate page facing the figures to
which they refer, and the front of this page is left blank, except for the
page number in the upper right-hand corner." (oh and of course then I have
to reverse the margins for the caption pages too but that's another story
which I have to do by selecting the text on the page and changing the margins
for that particular page.)
I think I've figured out how to do it, I'm just hoping there's an easier way
that wouldn't allow me to make a stupid numbering mistake which of course
I'll miss until *after* I've submitted the thing to my examination
I have been adding a blank "normal" page before the caption, then added
section breaks before and after the caption followed by the figure on a
separate page. (so that's 3 document pages with a blank but numbered page,
followed by the caption on an unnumbered page, and the figure on a numbered
page). Then I'm unlink the headers using "unlink from previous" and remove
the numbering on the caption page. Then the following page where the figure
is, I put in a page number which I format to start at the page number
*before* the caption. My concern is that in a 200-some document, I might
start to miss counting...
So my question- is there a way to format the page numbers to ignore a page?
I was hoping there'd be a way to do it like "link with previous" but instead
of previous it'd be link to section # or something so you could just link for
example section 3 with section 1.
I'm not very familiar with macros but would there be a way to get one to do
I'm using Word 2007 by the way...
I realize there might not be a simple answer and perhaps I will just have to
create another file with just the captions because either way I'm going to
have to print on the back of the blank numbered page but this way everything
is in one place.. and I don't have to wonder which caption goes with figure
10 or 43...
Sorry for the long question...
P.S. if you have any feeling that the way I'm doing it already will mess up
my table for figures (based on the captions), please let me know.. I'm going
to be checking it soon but this way you can tell me that you told me so..