Hi I have a pivot table, I have a pivot field with about 100 different
items in it. I want to create a macro that will hide the currently
visible field item, and display the one selected in a dropdown.
However, if I make the selected one visible and create a loop to go
through all the field items and make the ones that dont match the
selected on to invisible, it takes about 1 aminute to run as there are
over 100 field items, and there are 9 pivot tables.
is there a way to do the following...
a = currently visible pivot item
b = new pivot item I want visible
make b visible
make a invisible
instead of looping through all the pivot field items.
note that there is only ever one pivot filed item displaying at a time
items in it. I want to create a macro that will hide the currently
visible field item, and display the one selected in a dropdown.
However, if I make the selected one visible and create a loop to go
through all the field items and make the ones that dont match the
selected on to invisible, it takes about 1 aminute to run as there are
over 100 field items, and there are 9 pivot tables.
is there a way to do the following...
a = currently visible pivot item
b = new pivot item I want visible
make b visible
make a invisible
instead of looping through all the pivot field items.
note that there is only ever one pivot filed item displaying at a time