Johann Schwarz
Hi all !
I want to buils a form where I can adjust all my reports, so I can set
Paper, landscape and which printer I'm using even when the program is
compiled to an MDE As I have lost of reports but basically only a few
different printers in the Lan it would be much easier to do only to choose
one printer for A4, one for US Standard Papersize and one for Letter. Then
pressing a button and all printers should be adjusted to its needs. OK Thats
the idea. Some questions : It is easy to get the names of all printers in
the LAN using the Printers collection but how is this done in VBA in
MSAccess ?
2) When I want to do this in runtime does MS Access remember what I have
setted next time I'm using this mdb or do I need to set the Values everytime
when I start the program. Or in other words, is it possible to set this
Printersettings permanent to a specific report like a property of this
report, or do I need to renew them at each program start. or even everytime
I'm printing a report ?
3) How to get the values of papersize, landscape and which printer in the
net I want to use setted before printing a report. I cannot find more data
about prntDevNames in my Helpsystem they only reference to some SDK data
where I dont know how to find them .
Has anyone some codelines as an example for that structure and its usage ?
Thx in before
Johann Schwarz (senj)
I want to buils a form where I can adjust all my reports, so I can set
Paper, landscape and which printer I'm using even when the program is
compiled to an MDE As I have lost of reports but basically only a few
different printers in the Lan it would be much easier to do only to choose
one printer for A4, one for US Standard Papersize and one for Letter. Then
pressing a button and all printers should be adjusted to its needs. OK Thats
the idea. Some questions : It is easy to get the names of all printers in
the LAN using the Printers collection but how is this done in VBA in
MSAccess ?
2) When I want to do this in runtime does MS Access remember what I have
setted next time I'm using this mdb or do I need to set the Values everytime
when I start the program. Or in other words, is it possible to set this
Printersettings permanent to a specific report like a property of this
report, or do I need to renew them at each program start. or even everytime
I'm printing a report ?
3) How to get the values of papersize, landscape and which printer in the
net I want to use setted before printing a report. I cannot find more data
about prntDevNames in my Helpsystem they only reference to some SDK data
where I dont know how to find them .
Has anyone some codelines as an example for that structure and its usage ?
Thx in before
Johann Schwarz (senj)