changing project manager...



I have a schedule published to Project Server and want to change to a new
project manager. We don't have an enterprise field for this it seems. I've
tried the "become the manager of these assignments' check box when publishing
but it doesn't change the PM inside web access.

Dale Howard [MVP]

DerekM --

The new manager also needs to do the following:

1. Log into PWA
2. Click the Projects menu
3. Click the row header for the new project he/she is managing
4. Click the Edit button
5. Set him/herself as the new Owner
6. Click the Save Changes button

Whenever you want to change the owner/manager of a project, the new manager
must perform both sets of steps. Hope this helps.


We don't have an 'Owner" field in that page, just 6 other enterprise fields,
one is names 'Project Owner' but thats an internal field for the owner of the
project not the project manager.

Dale Howard [MVP]

DerekM --

If the project managers cannot see the Owner field, then you should ask your
Project Server administrator to change the Owner of the project. It sounds
like you have changed Project Server security settings relating to the
Project Managers group, most likely with the New Project permission. Hope
this helps.

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