Changing Project Server to create a new site collection for each project site



When my tech support person installed Project Server, I'm pretty sure
it creates a sub-site under the default.

1. How can determine that for sure?

2. How can I change the system to create a site collection for each
project site?

3. The default site was created under http://proj/pwa Can "sites"
be added to that path after "pwa" after the fact for the project
sites? When I attempted to add "sites" in the PWA provisioning screen
(http://proj/pwa/sites), it says that site collection does not
exist. Can the default site collection be blown away and recreated
under "http://proj/pwa/sites"?

Please let me know what all the implications are here.

Andy Novak

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


You don't want to create a site collection for every project site. That
would be costly on the server overhead. AFAIK, Project Server understands
how to use only one site collection for its Project Workspaces. Select
Server Settings and then select Project Workspace Provisioning Settings from
the Operational Policies section to see your current site collection
setting. If you want to change the site collection and migrate the data,
you're getting into a SharePoint question that I can't aswer. I wouldn't do
it without testing for unexpected consequences.


Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
For Project Server Consulting:
For Project Server FAQS:



You don't want to create a site collection for every project site. That
would be costly on the server overhead. AFAIK, Project Server understands
how to use only one site collection for its Project Workspaces. Select
Server Settings and then select Project Workspace Provisioning Settings from
the Operational Policies section to see your current site collection
setting. If you want to change the site collection and migrate the data,
you're getting into a SharePoint question that I can't aswer. I wouldn't do
it without testing for unexpected consequences.


Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
For Project Server Consulting:
For Project Server FAQS:

Well, Gary thanks for that tip. A guy from Microsoft was here
teaching a SharePoint class (who has dealt with Project Server 2003)
and indicated that you would want a separate site collection for each
project site in order to set a space quota for each one. Based on
your note here, I'd rather ensure that we have enough bandwidth.

I was used to having all the project sites under a separate directory
called "sites" whereas the default location was setup as

http://proj/pwa instead of http://proj/pwa/sites

I'm a bit concerned about all the other things underneath the proj/pwa
directory and not being able to easily pinpoint the project sites on
disk. If need be, I guess I could go into SharePoint, manually
create a site collection under proj/pwa/sites then make the change on
the provisioning screen.

In the end, is it really necessary to change the way it is from an on-
going maintenance perspective?

Andy Novak

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


I can't answer your last question with any authority. I'm still treading
water in the SharePoint world, although getting it more and more. You can
use multiple site collections, but you can only connect Project Server to
one at a time. If 2007 works like 2003, the sites you create under one
collection will continue to run, but new sites will be created under the
current site collection assignment. In order to put each site in its own
toplevel site, would be laborious manual process.


Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
For Project Server Consulting:
For Project Server FAQS:

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