I need to search a server for all files containing hyperlinks associated
with one server name and replace it with another server name, but the path
remaining portion of the path will remain the same. My corporation is
changing the naming convention of our primary server, with no thought to
this issue. EX: "Servername1\this location" change to "Servername2\this
location". Any Ideas on how to do this, example code would be helpful. I
may need to perform this operation on multiple links within the same
document and save each document.
with one server name and replace it with another server name, but the path
remaining portion of the path will remain the same. My corporation is
changing the naming convention of our primary server, with no thought to
this issue. EX: "Servername1\this location" change to "Servername2\this
location". Any Ideas on how to do this, example code would be helpful. I
may need to perform this operation on multiple links within the same
document and save each document.