changing score from number to letter grade



I have to convert my number scores to letter scores.

example of ranges: 300 to 400 = A. Is there anyway I can enter all my
ranges for letter grades a, b, c, d, f and the program will return a letter

I looked in convert and if statements, but couldn't really find it.

Thank you Cindy

Jim Thomlinson

This can be done with a vlookup formula. The list that you are looking up
into needs to be sorted and the final argument in the vlookup function must
be set to true...

400 A
300 B
250 C

=Vlookup(A2, Sheet2!A1:B10, 2, true)

Or something like that...


Or you could write your own function.

Function Getletter(str)
If str > 90 And str < 101 then
Getletter = "A"
ElseIf str > 80 And str < 91 then
Getletter = "B"
ElseIf str > 70 And str < 81 then
Getletter = "C"
ElseIf str > 60 And str < 71
Getletter = "D"
Getletter = "F"
End If

' Select Case str
' Case str > 90 And str < 101
' Getletter = "A"
' Case str > 80 And str < 91
' Getletter = "B"
' Case str > 70 And str < 81
' Getletter = "C"
' Case str > 60 And str < 71
' Getletter = "D"
' End Select
End Function

Rookie 1st class

Add a column to the right of your totals and paste this.
Change A1 to the column containing your total. Fill down for all totals.
If you don't want the totals to show change the totals column width to zero.


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