Hi Guys~
My web site www.expressnorthamerica.com seems to be bugged up. I have forms,
so I use HTTP to transfer the files to my Host. I have done this TONS of
times now, and feel pretty good that I have not changed my "system" that
DavidF helped me with.
Problem now is, (I do not do the incremental update--I do the whole thing)
after a small change (adding ONE form box) I looked at the site and while the
Home Page would open fully, none of the page links would work. I tried to
"re-load" several times, and things just got worse. Host says everythig is
fine on their end, I have re-installed Front Page Extensions, re-installed my
Web Files (I hope I am saying that right) and they are going to "re-install
Front Page" on the "Back End" just for kick and giggles.
One of the things that they pointed out was A) They can not see the pictures
or page links --though I can, even after I clear my internet history and B)
the Source Code is now reading to the Files on my computer.
I can not figure out why this is happening all of a sudden. How do I get the
Source to point AWAY from my computer files?
DavidF, I DO see some references to this in 2005, but the links seem to be
to old addresses/sites that I can not access.
When I do a Web Page Preview, all is peachy on Publisher 2007.
Thanks AGAIN,
My web site www.expressnorthamerica.com seems to be bugged up. I have forms,
so I use HTTP to transfer the files to my Host. I have done this TONS of
times now, and feel pretty good that I have not changed my "system" that
DavidF helped me with.
Problem now is, (I do not do the incremental update--I do the whole thing)
after a small change (adding ONE form box) I looked at the site and while the
Home Page would open fully, none of the page links would work. I tried to
"re-load" several times, and things just got worse. Host says everythig is
fine on their end, I have re-installed Front Page Extensions, re-installed my
Web Files (I hope I am saying that right) and they are going to "re-install
Front Page" on the "Back End" just for kick and giggles.
One of the things that they pointed out was A) They can not see the pictures
or page links --though I can, even after I clear my internet history and B)
the Source Code is now reading to the Files on my computer.
I can not figure out why this is happening all of a sudden. How do I get the
Source to point AWAY from my computer files?
DavidF, I DO see some references to this in 2005, but the links seem to be
to old addresses/sites that I can not access.
When I do a Web Page Preview, all is peachy on Publisher 2007.
Thanks AGAIN,