Changing Switchboard Items Based on User


J. Trucking


I have created a login screen for a database that I have but I want to
take it a step further. I used the Switchboard Manager to create a
switchboard when the DB opens. What I am wondering is if I can
somehow alter the contents of the "Switchboard Items" table based on
who logs onto the system.

My thinking is that I would have to create a table/form listing all of
the different login profiles (ie) ADMIN, LEVEL1, LEVEL2, etc. I would
then have to assign each user a profile. When they login, the system
looks at their profile and adjusts the switchboard accordingly. The
problem is that I have no idea how to do this. My first problem is
how would I get my "Profile Form" that I am going to create, display
each Switchboard Item. I then need to be able to combine that with a
a couple checkboxes (view permission, modify permission).

I understand that Access has user level security but I was hoping to
do it this way. Any ideas on how to get started? Any help is greatly

Thanks in advance,


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