I wouldn't be TOO jealous of table styles. They work fine
if you happen to like the built-in ones, but modifying
them in any way is just asking for trouble.
Some problems I've experienced:
1. Tables reset themselves back to whatever the
underlying style happens to be, e.g., Normal
2. If your table style has Bold in it and you apply
another style with Bold in it (e.g. Heading 1), the two
Bolds cancel each other out. So you apply Bold manually,
close the document & open it up again and you find it's
back to Not-Bold again. [See problem 1].
3. The "Preview" mode doesn't work for fonts or borders.
If the table has Times New Roman as the font and you
chnage the font to Arial, the preview still displays as
Times, so you have no idea if it's working or not. It's
usually Not.
I'm seriously thinking of using the information in the
article that Klaus suggested and write a macro.
-----Original Message-----
Klaus -
I am jealous of table styles - all my researching told
me how Word 02/03 has it. Very jealous! Well, maybe in a
few months.
I am just starting to learn to write some macros, and
thought of that, but figured I'd try to see if I was
missing something obvious. Thanks for the other resource
as well - lots of good info.