Changing Task and Actuals...



I made some changes to a task and now my views show some weird things. Here
is what happenend:

Task A:
John: Baseline 20h, Work 20h, Actual 10h, Remaining 10h
Mike: Baseline 20h, Work 20, Actual: 20, Remaining 0h
Total: Baseline 40h, Work 40h, Actual: 30, Remaining 10h

I then added an additional person to take over John's remaining time, but
when I look at the view (which is grouped by Task name, then resource), it
shows this:

Task A:
John: Baseline 20h, Work 10h, Actual 10h, Remaining 0h
John: Baseline 20h, Work 20h, Actual 10h, Remaining 10h
Mike: Baseline 20h, Work 20h, Actual: 20h, Remaining 0h
Mike: Baseline 20h, Work 20h, Actual: 20h, Remaining 0h
Joe: Baseline 0h, Work 10h, Actual: 0h, Remaining 10h
Total: Baseline 80h, Work 80h, Actual: 60h, Remaining 20h

In the actual project plan, it looks fine and the hours are correct, but
some of the leads are using a custom project view to look at the Task work
and the hours dont add up right. How can I fix this?



Also, when I made the changes in the project plan, I used the Publish New and
Changed Assignments if that helps.


Dale Howard [MVP]

Anthony --

Out of curiosity, how did you add the additional person and have him take
over John's remaining time? What are the exact steps you performed? Also,
what do you see when you click View - Task Usage and then click View -
Table - Work? What are the values for each resource's assignment on Task A
for Baseline Work, Work, Actual Work, and Remaining Work? Let us know the
answers to both questions and we will try to help.


Thanks for helping. To add the new user, I went into the project plan and
did the following

1. Selected the Task in the Split view, with the bottom split being the
Resource Work view
2. I adjusted John's Work hours so that it matched his Actuals, therefore
leaving him 0 remaining hours
3. I then added Joe and gave him the Work hours that I took away from John.
This preserved the actuals John had, while marking his contribution to the
Task complete, and gave the remaining work to Joe?
4. I then Published New and Changed Tasks, followed by the Project Plan w/
Summary view

When I go to View - Tables - Work, it shows No Tables Available, and only
has the option for More Tables, in which case I can click on Work, but cant
pick Apply.I tried to copy work, but the apply button is greyed out still.
How can i view the work table?


Dale Howard [MVP]

Anthony --

What you did would certainly work, but you went to too much effort to do it
manually. When you added Joe to the task, the easiest way would have been
to do the following:

1. Select the task in question
2. Click the Assign Resources button on the Standard toolbar
3. In the dialog, select John's name and click the Replace button
4. Select Joe's name fromt he list and click the OK button
5. Click the Close button

The system would have set John's Remaining Work to 0 hours while preserving
his actuals, and would have given his Remaining Work to Joe automatically.

Regarding your second problem, are you certain you selected the Task Usage
view (not Resource Usage)? When you selected the Work table, was it the
task or resource version of the Work table? Let us know.


Under Task Usage, the Work table came up. The screen is broken into left and
right. The Project Manager is re-baslining the project, so the baselines are
zeroed out now (I am in read only mode). But the work and actuals are as
expected. For the Task, each person is listed only once, unlike the view
online where the 2 original resources are listed twice. So things look right
in the project view, just weird when viewed online. Assuming the baseline
wasnt released as it currently is, the view in the project plan (proj. pro
client) would look like this:

Task A:
John: Baseline 20h, Work 10h, Actual 10h, Remaining 0h
Mike: Baseline 20h, Work 20h, Actual: 20h, Remaining 0h
Joe: Baseline 0h, Work 10h, Actual: 0h, Remaining 10h
Total: Baseline 40h, Work 400h, Actual: 30h, Remaining 10h

Another question since the PM is re-baselining the project,when she is done,
does she just need to publish new and changed assignments? I want to make
sure she DOESNT overwrite the actuals that have been entered already. I dont
know if her re-baselining the project mid project is a good idea, but its out
of my hand and didnt have a say. The view online matches the view in the
project plan in the sense that it shows the groups by Task name and then
shows the resources for that task and their hours etc.


Dale Howard [MVP]

Anthony --

I would strongly recommend that the project manager DO NOT rebaseline the
project, since doing so will destroy all of the variance information to date
in the project. Whether he/she decides to rebaseline the project or note,
the PM can simply click Collaborate - Publish - All Information to get the
latest information to PWA. Based on what you see in the Task Usage view, it
sounds like all is well with that project. Hope this helps.


Thanks. While the time looks right in task usage view in Project Pro. The
time still doesnt look right on the PWA. It still shows:

Task A:
John: Baseline 20h, Work 10h, Actual 10h, Remaining 0h
John: Baseline 20h, Work 20h, Actual 10h, Remaining 10h
Mike: Baseline 20h, Work 20h, Actual: 20h, Remaining 0h
Mike: Baseline 20h, Work 20h, Actual: 20h, Remaining 0h
Joe: Baseline 0h, Work 10h, Actual: 0h, Remaining 10h
Total: Baseline 80h, Work 80h, Actual: 60h, Remaining 20h

When it should show:
Task A:
John: Baseline 20h, Work 10h, Actual 10h, Remaining 0h
Mike: Baseline 20h, Work 20h, Actual: 20h, Remaining 0h
Joe: Baseline 0h, Work 10h, Actual: 0h, Remaining 10h
Total: Baseline 40h, Work 400h, Actual: 30h, Remaining 10h

I tried to Publish All Information, but that didnt fix it. The view I
created is a Project view using the Assignment Table. It is grouped by task
name. This is the view the team leads are using on the PWA to keep track of
their respective teams, so I need to be able to fix it so its accurate
because right now, it shows the wrong hours for the tasks that I added Joe to.

Thanks again,

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