Hi Barbara,
The ice blue color scheme can be changed but the complexity of the newsletter may make it a bit time consuming. There are about 100
text boxes in the newsletter each with its background color (including white or clear in some).
In Word 2007 it's a bit easier to manipulate theme colors but it can be done in Word 2003. In a simpler layout you could use the
Select multiple objects tool (Tools=>Customize=>Commands=>Drawing
then select 'Select Multiple Objects' and drag it onto the Drawing toolbar), then use it to select all or a subgroup of objects and
apply a color change, but it's a little trick to identify which ones are colored from this dialog box for this particular
So, another method would be to recolor all of the blue boxes with another color by click picking a group of them and then applying a
color. Fortunately, the light blue and dark blue boxes are all really the same color, but with different transparency values apply
to give the effect of lighter/darker coloring.
1. With a copy of the newsletter open use File=>Print Preview to switch views.
2. In Print preview (a) turn off the magnifier button and (b) choose the Multiple Pages view icon to select 1 x 3 pages so you can
work with the entire newsletter (3 sheeets) at once.
3. Hold the shift key and click on each of the 7 blue text boxes (areas) on the screen to select them.
4. Use Format=>Textbox=>Colors and Lines and select a new Fill color. You can try more than one before making your final choice.
5. File=>Save As the revised file under a new filename.
word 2003 the family christmas newsletter >>
Bob Buckland ?

MS Office System Products MVP
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