I frequently add screen captures into documents I'm writing. I am frazzled
with how Word 2003 assumes I want the image to be tied to a paragraph, so it
comes up with a frame around it. I then have to right-click on the graphic,
select Format Picture, select Layout, then choose a layout style, such as
In-Line, Square, Tight, Behind Text, etc. I have tried to figure out how to
change the default setting so it comes in automatically as a draggable image.
In MS Word Help, it suggests setting the attributes I want, then click Draw
on the Draw Toolbar, and then Set Auto Shape Defaults. I did this but it had
no effect. I don't understand what that accomplished. Graphics still come in
with the frame around them and I have to go through the steps above. Any
with how Word 2003 assumes I want the image to be tied to a paragraph, so it
comes up with a frame around it. I then have to right-click on the graphic,
select Format Picture, select Layout, then choose a layout style, such as
In-Line, Square, Tight, Behind Text, etc. I have tried to figure out how to
change the default setting so it comes in automatically as a draggable image.
In MS Word Help, it suggests setting the attributes I want, then click Draw
on the Draw Toolbar, and then Set Auto Shape Defaults. I did this but it had
no effect. I don't understand what that accomplished. Graphics still come in
with the frame around them and I have to go through the steps above. Any