Hi R.J.,
In Word 2002 and 2003 you can set the default layout
wrapping for inserted pictures via Tools=>Options=>Edit.
In Word 2000 you will need to use a macro to set it.
This one will set either inline or floating as the
Pictures placed through Insert=>Picture=>From File or
Insert=>Picture=>Clipart have no borders on the graphics
unless the graphic itself has one.
You can set the default for autoshapes (not just
a textbox, but all autoshapes), by inserting an autoshape
then adjusting it how you want the default to be then
right click on it and use 'set autoshape default'.
To have this work in all new documents repeat the
process in your Normal.dot or other template you're
using (then delete the autoshape you added) and save
the template.
You can also store a textbox with attributes you
setup as an Autotext entry.
I want to change the defalt format that pictures/clipart is inserted in Word
to boarderless and box wrap. Same with Text boxes. Is there any way to
make this the default? I'm getting real tired of changing to this after
every insert.
Thanks, RJ >>