This is from Word's help when I searched on the word "language", but I'm not
sure if this is what you meant:
Check the spelling of all or part of a document in another language
1. If you haven't already done so, install the dictionary for the language
you want to check.
2. Select the text that's written in another language.
3. On the Tools menu, click Language.
4. In the Mark selected text as box, click the language you want to check,
and then click OK.
5. When you finish marking the text, check the spelling in the document.
When the spelling checker encounters the marked text, it uses the
specified language dictionary to check the text. Then, the spelling checker
returns to the default language dictionary to check the rest of the
There are language settings in MacOS that can be changed. There are
versions of Office available in different languages.
-Jim Gordon
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