changing the layout of a picture within a text box



I am trying to create a text box with graphics and text inside so that
everything moves together. For example, if I cut the textbox and paste it in
another location the text box will appear exactly as it did in the original
location. The problem is that I cannot get the text to wrap around the
picture within the text box. When I try to format the picture by clicking on
the format tab and then layout I cannot click on any of the text wrapping
options. What I end up with is a picture on the right side of the text box
and a bunch of white space on the left because I cannot type text right next
to the picture. Any suggestions?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

You cannot wrap text around a picture in a text box, period. The text box
itself is wrapped (in the drawing layer), so the text is not in the text
layer and cannot be wrapped around something in the drawing layer.

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