Changing the office assistant.



Can anybody help, Rather unimportant but frustrating problem i am experiencing.

Having recently bought a genuine copy of Office 2003 and loading it onto my
I have found that when I try to change to assistant from the rather boring
paper clip I get a message that there is not enough memory. My laptop has 2
GB ram memory and no other apps are running apart from Office Exel, I have
tried reinstalling office but to no avail, Has anybody experienced the same
thing, Can it be rectified.


Big THANK-YOU to garfield-n-odie(mvp). Followed your reply, It worked a treat.
Only took five minutes, Believe me I'm no techie either, Sincere thanks

garfield-n-odie [MVP]

Glad to hear. But at some point you should think about weaning yourself
from the Office Assistant, because the little critters were discontinued
after Office 2003.


Thank you. I wasn't very good at following the instructions at first (e.g.
didn't right-click when instructed) but everything worked eventually. Thanks
a zillion.

garfield-n-odie [MVP]

Glad to hear it, and thanks for the feedback.

Major_Blue said:
Thank you. I wasn't very good at following the instructions at first (e.g.
didn't right-click when instructed) but everything worked eventually. Thanks
a zillion.


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