I have a graph which is linked to a range which changes (through data
validation and SUMIF's). There are several Countries which have varying data
totals which the graph picks up. ie for Country 1 the scale maximum is 100
and for Country 2 the scale maximum is 20. What does not automatically change
however is the scale major unit. If this is manually changed to 20 for
Country 1 it remains that way for Country 2 which is of no use as with a
scale maximum of 20, I need the scale major unit to be say, 2. I am looking
for a way to change the scale major unit automatically. I would like to use
similar code below attached to a data validation cell;
ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue).MajorUnit = 20
Is it somehow possible to link the number 20 above to a cell? That way I can
have a simple formula which can be linked to the range total eg 100 and
divide it by 5. This would give me 20 for Country 1 and 2 for Country 2.
validation and SUMIF's). There are several Countries which have varying data
totals which the graph picks up. ie for Country 1 the scale maximum is 100
and for Country 2 the scale maximum is 20. What does not automatically change
however is the scale major unit. If this is manually changed to 20 for
Country 1 it remains that way for Country 2 which is of no use as with a
scale maximum of 20, I need the scale major unit to be say, 2. I am looking
for a way to change the scale major unit automatically. I would like to use
similar code below attached to a data validation cell;
ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue).MajorUnit = 20
Is it somehow possible to link the number 20 above to a cell? That way I can
have a simple formula which can be linked to the range total eg 100 and
divide it by 5. This would give me 20 for Country 1 and 2 for Country 2.