Changing the Sort of a Continuous Form



If I have a continuous form (made to look like a listing) with fields
such as firstname, lastname, title, rank (hidden) and citystate, and I
want the user to be able to change the sort of the form by clicking on
field headings, could I do so using one query? I'd like to avoid
creating a query for each sort if I can.

Also, since I can't use an OnClick for a label, is there a trick to
using a label (as far as the user is concerned?) cause I really would
rather not have a button above each heading.


To avoid any confusion for you, a label bound to a control does not have a
click event; however, a stand alone unattached label does.
To break the connection of a label to it's control, Do a cut/paste, then put
it back in it's original position. You will now see events on the event tab.

You don't need additional queries. All you need to is to set the form's
orderby property in the label's click event



Use the afterupdate event of the combo then something like

if me.combobox = abc
then sort by abc
else if ......
end if

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