Changing the template/stationary of a page.



It would be great to be able to change the template of a page after it has
been created. I know that I can select a template when I create a new page.
But once the page has been created I can't apply a different template -- or
at least if I can I haven't found the way to do it anywhere that I looked.
Sometimes, as the content on a page accumulates I realize that a different
template than the one I originally chose would work better. As far as I've
been able to figure out, the only way of getting my notes with the new
template is to 1) Create a new page using the desired template, 2) Cut the
content from the old page, 3) Paste the content onto the new page, and 4) Go
back and delete the empty old page. It would be so much easier if I could
just choose the new template to apply to the old page.

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Can you give a usage scenario ?
Would you really be performing this "template change" a lot ?

I'd be interesting to hear your exact reason for wanting this.


Some of the situations it has already happened in:

I start collecting notes, screen clippings, etc. onto a page. Some of the
content (particularly from screen clippings) has colors, appearances, etc.
that look awful against the background of the other content I already had.
So I think to myself, "It sure would be nice if I could change the appearance
of that page." But of course, the only way to do it is to follow the
procedure listed in my suggestion.

I've also run into it when doing highlighting, drawing, etc. Because the
background is set before I put any content on the page, I have to anticipate
the appearance of drawings, etc. prior to actually putting them on the page.

I've been using ON2007 Beta for about two weeks now and have had about a
half dozen occasions already when I've thought it would be nice to be able to
change the background of the page I'm working on.

Kathy Jacobs

You can change the background color of the page quite easily. Bring up the
Page Setup task pane and use the last drop down list to change the
background color of your page.

If the template has a graphic that is changing the color of the page, you
can right click the graphic and unselect "Set as background". Then the
picture can just be deleted.

To put another picture in the background, add the picture to the page then
right click and select Set as background. Your notes may need to be moved up
over the picture, but they don't need to be moved beyond that.

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
Author of Kathy Jacobs on PowerPoint - Available now from Holy Macro! Books
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I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived

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