changing thickness of Excel row and column headers


Wild Bill

By this I mean the gray A through IV and 1 through 65535 on the edge of
all worksheets. I haven't discovered a way to reproduce this on demand
but it very definitely happens: some workbooks show thicker headings
(BOTH) than others. If you haven't experienced this yourself there's no
need to read further. You might see it if you open a half dozen
workbooks created over a long span of time.
seems to describe the problem exactly, if that helps...

I recognize that the row number heading expands as you cross row 100,
1000, or 10000 in display. This is not what I'm referring to. Besides,
the malady I encounter involves the height of the column heading row
changing too.

It's just about as bad as this: I save off a renamed copy of a workbook
on Monday, make numerous changes, and on Friday, the headings (BOTH) can
be different. I've tried all kinds of things and failed to get this to
reproduce on demand, so no telling what trips the change.

Menu view/zoom is not in play here. Zoom is 100% in each case. Playing
with zoom on one workbook is a lame workaround but not a final solution.

This may seem like an insignificant nuisance but it would be valuable to
be able to "symmetrize" the screen appearance of different workbooks.

Paul Corrado


I'm going out on a limb and making a guess as to what is causing this. But,
it sounds like the difference may be due to the default font setting of the
workbook. (10 will lead to smaller/thinner borders than 12 for example).

The default properties for that font setting are either in

Tools|Options|General (which is all workbooks)


Format|Style (which is the current workbook)

They Style setting will override your default worksheet setting.

Why it keeps changing is a bit of a mystery to me, though it could somehow
be dependent on the first workbook opened.


Gord Dibben

Added note to Paul's suggestion.

If you save the workbook with a larger font from
Tools>Options>General>Standard Font that saved workbook will open with that
font even if you have since changed the default.

Gord Dibben Excel MVP XL2002

Wild Bill

Thanks to both of you but that didn't succeed. In 2 sheets (picked at
random) both style and the tool/option are arial 10, but the borders are
different.I'd be delighted if you or anyone came up with something else.

Sorry for the late comeback.

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