Changing Width of a Cross-Function Flowchart - Nightmare !!



I have created a three-lane cross-function flowchart for a "before and after"

"Before" is fine - three equally-spaced lanes.
"After" is a nightmare of fighting with unseen protection locks.

I wanted to make both scenarios the same width overall, but "After" has only
two lanes, the right one being twice the width of the the left one.
The sensible way to create it is to take "Before", delete one lane and
double the width of one of the others by simpling stretching it.

I have ungrouped ALL the elements, selected every possible combination of
shapesheet and rightclicked at least 20 times to unlock every shape and layer
that exists. The process has taken over 3 hours so far.
Something is still resisting. I am getting an unhelpful error message,
saying "Shape Protection and /or Layer Protection" is preventing the command
being carried out.

I KNOW that !! But WHICH ONE particuarly is causing the problem ??

Is there a single command somehwere which can unlock everything in one click ?

This is an incredible waste of time - why is it all so complicated ?

I am an experienced user of pre- and ealry post-Microsoft Visio, but I
haven't touched it for some time and am horrified by the complexity now
brought to the program..

Help !

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