Changing Zoom Level


Gene L.

On the 23rd of this month, I submitted the following request for help:

"When I open mail using Office Outlook 2007, the type is often too small for
me to read comfortably so I need to "zoom" it up. This works fine for the
particular mail message I have opened but as soon as I open the next
message, the screen reverts to its prior setting so It is necessary to zoom
it up again.

Is there a way to retain the zoom setting for all messages being opened?

Many thanks,"

Am I addressing the wrong newsgroup here or is the matter more complicated
than it appears?

Thanks again:

Gene L.

Brian Tillman [MVP-Outlook]

On the 23rd of this month, I submitted the following request for help:

I recall the post.
Am I addressing the wrong newsgroup here or is the matter more complicated
than it appears?

The is one of the correct forums. I, for one, didn't answer because I
couldn't think of a solution off the top of my head. Newsgroups are staffed
by your peers. We're just Outlook users like yourself. We may not know the

You should also consider posting in
There are some Microsoft Support people watching that forum.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Are you viewing it in the Reading Pane or are you actually opening the mail?
Try viewing in the Reading Pane and change the Zoom setting there to see if
it persists for mail that has been opened.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
ALWAYS post your Outlook version.
How to ask a question:

After furious head scratching, Gene L. asked:

| On the 23rd of this month, I submitted the following request for help:
| "When I open mail using Office Outlook 2007, the type is often too
| small for me to read comfortably so I need to "zoom" it up. This
| works fine for the particular mail message I have opened but as soon
| as I open the next message, the screen reverts to its prior setting
| so It is necessary to zoom it up again.
| Is there a way to retain the zoom setting for all messages being
| opened?
| Many thanks,"
| Am I addressing the wrong newsgroup here or is the matter more
| complicated than it appears?
| Thanks again:
| Gene L.

Gene L.

When viewing messages in the Preview Pane, I do not see an option to
"Zoom". It is only when the email is fully opened that the Zoom option is
opened on the ribbon.
Thanks for trying though.

Brian Tillman [MVP-Outlook]

When viewing messages in the Preview Pane, I do not see an option to "Zoom".
It is only when the email is fully opened that the Zoom option is opened on
the ribbon.
Thanks for trying though.

You may be able to change the size of the font in the Reading Pane by holding
Ctrl while moving the mouse wheel.

Gene L.

Your suggestion works fine. Thank you very much. It eliminates quite a bit
of repetitive motion.
Gene L.

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