chapter numbering in a caption



I am having troubles with chapter numbering in captions. I am using figures
and tables under Headings 1 through 5. I want the caption numbering to be in
sequence with the Heading number. For example, under Heading 1 (i.e. Heading
1); the tables should read Table 1.A, 1.B, 1.C and the figures should read
Figure 1.A, 1.B, 1.C. Further, under Heading 2 (i.e. Heading 1.1); the
tables should read Table 1.1.A, 1.1.B, 1.1.C and the figures should read
Figure 1.1.A, 1.1.B, 1.1.C.

I am able to insert the Captions and Caption Numbering under Heading 1
correctly(i.e. 1.A, 1.B, 1.C). However, when I insert a Caption under
Heading 2 (with Caption numbering for Heading 2, i.e. 1.1.A, 1.1.B, 1.1.C)
then the previously inserted Captions under Heading 1 are re-numbered with
Caption numbering for Heading 2, i.e. 1.1.A, 1.1.B, 1.1.C.

What am I doing wrong?

I have tried to alter the field codes (ALT+F9) but have no luck.

Stefan Blom

Word captions can reference a *specific* heading level, only.

Still, what you are asking for can certainly be done (with some
effort). To do it, you'll have to manually edit the field codes, and
stay away from the Caption dialog box, since this will alter all
captions -- with the associated label. (Note that it could confuse
readers; the text will be more readable when all captions have the
same format.)

When you are using the Caption dialog box to insert captions with
heading numbering included, Word inserts the following text and fields
(as displayed when field codes are shown):

Figure { STYLEREF 1 \s}-{ SEQ Figure \s 1}

It uses two fields: STYLEREF and SEQ. The STYLEREF field inserts the
number or text of the "current" paragraph of the specified style. The
"1" refers to the built-in Heading 1 style. The \s switch instructs
Word to insert the numbering (without separators). In the SEQ field,
\s 1 means "restart the numbering of this field whenever it follows a
Heading 1 paragraph".

In other words, for STYLEREFs following a Heading 2 paragraph, you
would change their field code to: { STYLEREF 2 \s }.

For the SEQ fields, you'd have to remove the \s switches and insert \r
1 for those fields which should restart numbering to 1. For example:
{ SEQ Figure \r 1 } for the first field following any heading, and
simply { SEQ Figure } for the others.

Note that SEQ fields can include other switches, too, such as \*
ARABIC or \* MERGEFORMAT. These are usually not needed, which is why I
left them out in the above examples. You can look at Word Help to find
out what they mean.

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

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